Process and Budgeting Tool
Depending upon the study funding source, the CHPS may charge for some or all of the CHPS services. These charges generally are billed to your grant or to a research billing number (RBN) linked to your grant. These RBNs exist to help ensure that patient-related charges from research projects (such as chemistry panels, CBCs, etc.) are appropriately billed to the research project and are not charged directly to the research study participant.
The CHPS Administrative Committee generally meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Prior to the meeting, please send the completed CHPS Budgeting Tool to Tracey Caputo ( if you have not already done so. The tool is used to gain a better understanding of what services will be needed and to ensure an accurate estimate. The tool includes an 'Instructions' tab and three required tabs: 'Feasibility Questionnaire', 'Initiation' and 'Data Input'.