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Blog Archives:

Book Published: Academic Entrepreneurship for Medical and Health Scientists

By Rachel McGarrigle, MSEd

This blog was expanded and published into an e-book which serves as a repository of tools, wisdom and best practice that seeks to democratize innovation regardless of where the academic researcher resides. Continue reading on our e-book platform.

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Searching for Patents and Prior Art

By Elliot Stein, A.B. and Mark Maloney, JD, MS

A thorough patent search is an essential part of the entrepreneur’s workflow because it may reveal preexisting intellectual property or prior art. This information has the potential to guide strategies early on--such as a pivot--in order to ensure a clearer path toward getting a patent in the future. This article discusses proper methodology for executing an efficient and relatively complete patent and prior art search.

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Five Reasons Why Library Resources Can Make or Break Your Medical Startup

By Kyle O'Neil and Cathy Ogur

Librarians’ expertise in guiding you to library resources provides a  competitive edge to academic entrepreneurs and their teams. Gold mines of information, library resources are sometimes underutilized due to their complexity. Properly used, library resources can be the difference between hitting and missing the needs of a massive market.

Read more on Five Reasons Why Library Resources Can Make or Break Your Medical Startup

The FDA IND Application Process: 7 Tips from an Expert

By Elise Yang and Shelly Fehr

An Investigational New Drug (IND) application is submitted to the FDA to request authorization from the FDA to administer an investigational drug to humans. First time submitters may especially find this time challenging. Learn tips from an expert to help guide you through this process.

Read more on The FDA IND Application Process: 7 Tips from an Expert

Understanding the Promotion Process

By Nalaka Gooneratne, MD, MSc and Bryan A. Wolf, MD, PhD

Academic faculty with an interest in entrepreneurship are required to successfully navigate a university promotion process in order to retain their position.  This additional layer of complexity can appear daunting, but if managed properly, can be much less stressful. 

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How pet dogs can expedite the translation of life-science therapeutics from bench to bedside

By Alexander Morrison, Nicola Mason BVetMed PhD, and Yvonne Paterson PhD

The process of developing a new therapeutic is long, expensive, and risky. One option to efficiently and relatively inexpensively improve investor and investigator confidence in a pre-clinical therapeutic is to perform clinical trials in outbred dogs.

Read more on How pet dogs can expedite the translation of life-science therapeutics from bench to bedside

Collaboration between Academics and Companies

By Joy Sun and Flaura Koplin Winston, MD PhD

An academic partnership with a commercial entity, when done correctly, can be mutually beneficial and benefit society by bringing excellent science to market at scale.  This article’s intention is to give helpful tips to academics seeking partnerships or collaborations with corporations.

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A Proven Method to Invent Medical Devices: “Need Specification”

By Diane Dao and Jake Brenner, MD, PhD

We teach doctors how to think clinically about treating our patients. Why can’t we also teach doctors how to critically think about invention?

Read more on A Proven Method to Invent Medical Devices: “Need Specification”

What is Academic Entrepreneurship?

By Nalaka Gooneratne, MD, MSc

Every academic researcher is an entrepreneur of sorts. The entire process of setting up a research lab, identifying problems to study, managing a team, and obtaining funding is, at its core, a very entrepreneurial endeavor.  So what is “Academic Entrepreneurship”? 

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